Liberian Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, following yesterday’s official meetings in Belgrade and the press conference with Serbia’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, spoke about Liberia’s reasons for withdrawing the recognition of Kosovo for the Radio Television Serbia’s central news bulletin, Dnevnik 2. As Liberia’s chief diplomat told RTS, Liberia withdrew the recognition of Kosovo so that a solution could be reached through a peace process, the dialogue held under the EU auspices.
„The Liberian Government has taken the position to recognize the decision (reached in this manner). We had recognized the independence of Kosovo, and on ambassadorial level; we have revoked the ambassadorial level and said: ‘Go to the peace process. Whatever comes out of the peace process, that is what we are going to recognize'”, Liberian Foreign Minister said.
You can watch Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley’s statement for RTS here.