The Protocol on business and technical cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, under which the Embassy of the Republic of Korea granted USD 100 000 worth of technical equipment needed to organize the 22nd OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade, was singed today.
The Protocol was signed by the Acting Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Veljko Odalovic and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Serbia Mr. Lee Do-hoon.
Acting MFA Secretary-General Veljko Odalovic thanked the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea for his country’s understanding and support, adding that the grant was welcome now that Serbia was organizing one of the most important events this year, with participation of a large number of senior officials.
Ambassador Lee Do-hoon said that South Korea could see how Serbia was developing its role actively and constructively, in its capacity as the country holding the OSCE Chairmanship, to the benefit of regional peace and stability.
“Next week Serbia will complete its OSCE Chairmanship role and in this context, the Government of the Republic of Korea has decided to make a 100,000-dollar grant”, Mr. Odalovic said.
The Ambassador voiced his hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other governmental bodies would benefit from the equipment, even after the Conference wound up.
“We are aware that the Government of Serbia has invested great efforts to prepare for the Ministerial Council, and we wish you every success and being given credit by the international community for its organization”.
Bilateral relations between Serbia and South Korea made progress quickly in all areas, ranging from politics to culture, the Ambassador added.